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Sunday Morning Service 10:30am. Eric will bring us a message from Mark 4:21-34.
Children's Chapel is available. Kids go straight upstairs to classroom when they arrive.
Friday February 28th is Ladies Craft Night. 6:30-8:30pm. Questions, text Dawn @ 907-623-7505.
Women and invited guests are welcome to fellowship and craft on this last Friday of the month.
Youth Middle School and High School groups are now meeting alternate weeks on Saturdays! Inquire with the Youth Pastor Sam for details.
Financial Stewardship Information:
Tithes and offerings can be given through the App under the giving tab or placed in the offering slot in the wall next to the Welcome Desk in the foyer.
2025 Budgeted Monthly Expense: $26,233.00
February General Fund Income (to date): $17,063.76
Please see the "Calendar of Events" for upcoming events and Bible Studies!
Would you like someone to pray with you?
Please leave a message at the church office at 907-747-5706 or email us at:
We will get back to you as soon as possible.